
How To Introduce New Skincare Products In Your Routine 


When you need to change your wardrobe, it is an easy thing because you only need to see yourself in the mirror and change immediately if you don’t like how you look. You may not even need patience unless you have had a body-disfiguring experience.  

However, when it comes to skincare products, you’ve got to be more careful and may need to enroll in the school of patience just in case it is strange to you. Many factors influence your response to a particular product, and the result is not mushrooming immediately like when you clad yourself in some different style of wardrobe accessory.  

From time to time, we will have good reasons to change or revamp our skincare products. Sometimes just for an adventure and sometimes because you liked how it made someone look elegant or because the production promotion has left you converted and longing to try that particular product. For most people, introducing new skincare products comes as a recommendation. For instance, Biologique Recherche P50 has always been recommended by most skin therapists as an excellent epidermal reconditioner and a multifunctional lotion that exfoliates, cleanses and purifies the skin.  

The following tips can help you introduce a new skincare product in your routine: 

Consider Your Skin Type and Texture 

It is essential to realize that the same product may produce different results for different individuals, depending on skin type and texture. What works for someone with dry skin (when your face often feels tight and parched) may not necessarily achieve the same results or be recommended for someone with oily skin (when you produce an excess amount of sebum which causes that shiny, oily appearance). The secret is simple; choose your skin care products according to your skin type.  

Read Product Reviews 

Reading product reviews can be beneficial if you want first-hand information from the experienced users of the product you are contemplating. You must be careful not to be a victim of crude biased reviews by sticking to genuine authoritative sites. You could also get good reviews from skincare bloggers.  

Sampling Is Wisdom 

When trying out a new product, it is essential to remember that the result may not be the same for everyone, and here is where sampling is wisdom. Sampling helps significantly when the reviews cannot help us decide, and everything looks exciting. The primary purpose of sampling is not to achieve the result but to find out what you may find more agreeable to you regarding the product ingredients and your skin type and skincare needs. 

Understanding Product Incompatibility 

Whereas most skincare products are an amalgam of many, some products are good as they are and can become disastrous when used together with other products. For instance, most skincare experts discourage retinoids and vitamin C use in the same routine as this may cause over-exfoliation, resulting in increased skin and sun sensitivity. When considering this, focus on the primary ingredients. 

Experiment With a Patch Test 

A patch test is a precaution and is especially recommended for individuals with susceptible skin and when trying out products known for allergens. You can try it on less visible body parts but easily accessible to you, like the inner arm, and monitor the experience in the next 24 hours.  

Not Preceding High Days 

Imagine trying out a new skincare product a day before your wedding, and things go south. Have some window for the possible outcomes and avoid overconfidence even when all the signs are promising. A window of a fortnight or more would be safer to work with.  

Consult Your Dermatologist 

A talk with your dermatologist helps you to answer the “why” questions. Why a new product, why that particular product, et cetera. The point is; you should know precisely why you are revamping your skincare routine. Outside of that, a dermatologist will help you with valuable tips on applying your novel routine and give extra precautions if necessary.  A skincare therapist can be very helpful in helping you interpret your skin manifestations.   Best Skin Clinic Pune

When it is hot, like in the summer, most people are likely to experience skin dryness, which may not necessitate a change in the skincare routine. Instead, lifestyle changes and increasing water intake may help change the situation. Before taking the new step, have a good consultation with your dermatologist and save yourself from the problems of presumptions. 

Patiently Wait for The Results 

After introducing a new skincare product, you should begin singing a refrain of patience. You don’t have otherwise but to give the new products time to work. It is absurd to expect to use a new product today and have zero acne the following day. The only things that can come that first are the reactions and rashes you don’t want. On average, four to eight weeks should be sufficient to bring forth some manifestations. In the meantime, consistency, precision, and patience should be held dear.   


Introducing a new skincare product into your skincare routine is an exciting adventure, yet it needs more care to ensure we don’t mess up. Once you have conclusive evidence from observations and need to introduce something new in your routine, you’ll need some useful guidelines to help you avoid any possible costly mistakes. This article covers tips to help you successfully and safely introduce new skin care products to your routine. 

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